[영어숫자읽기] 1,000,000,000,000 읽기 소숫점,분수,배수,비율,년도,전화번호,방번호 숫자영어로읽기
숫자읽기 100 one hundered 101 one hundered and one ( 한자리일때는 and 을 씁니다) 200 two hundered 222 two hundered twenty two 1000 one thousand 1010 one thousand and ten 3000 three thousand 3250 three thousand two hundred fifty 1,000 one thousand 천 1,000,000 one million 백만 1,000,000,000 one billion 일억 1,000,000,000,000 one thrillion 천억 6,837,370 / 6 million, eighty hundered thirty weven thousand, three hundre..
2021. 9. 21.