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[전화영어] 전화통화에 관련된 영어패턴 문장예시 70가지 ! 숙지해두세요

by nabi2030 2021. 9. 22.


1.전화오는 거 아닌가요?

Is that your phone ringing? 



Who's calling ? 


3.어느 분 찾으세요?

Who did you want to talk to? 

Whom did you want to talk to? 


4.어느 부서에 근무하는 분이신가요?

Which department does he/she work in?


5. 잠시만 기다리세요

Just moment,please



I'll connect you with him 



Hold on while I transfer you call.


8.지금 계시지 않아요

He is not available at the moment


9. 방금 나가셨어요

He jsut stepped out.


10. 어디계신지 확인해볼게요

Let me check where he is.



He's on vacation.


12.오늘 나오지 않으세요

He won't be in today.


13.며칠 쉬십니다.

He is taking a few days off.


14. 출장중이세요

He is on a business trip.


15. 회사를 그만두셨어요

He is no longer working here.


16. 메모 남기시겠어요?

Do you want to leave a message?


17.성함이 어떻게 되시죠?

Can I get your name? 


18. 연락드리라고할까요?

Would you like me to tell him to call you?


19.전화번호 남기시겠어요?

Would you like to leave your number?


20. 전화 온 데 없었나요?

Were there any calls for me?


21.무슨 용건이라고 하던가요?

What did he say it was about?


21. 기다리시겠어요?

Would you like to hold?


22.계속 통화중이에요

The line is busy


23. 지금 통화가 어렵습니다

I'm not available at the moment.


24.간단히 말씀해주세요

Could you make it short?


25.다른 전화가 걸려왔어요

I have another call coming in.


26.곧 통화를 끊을게요

I'll be done in a minute.


27.다시 전화할게요

I'll call you back.


28. 잘못거셨습니다

You have the wrong number.


29. 몇 번으로 거셨어요?

What number did you call?


30. 전화번호 다시 확인해보세요

Please check the number again.




31.마침 전화를 잘하셨어요

You just caught me in time.


32.전화 드리려던 참이었어요

I was just about to give you a call.


33.지난 번 전화한 사람입니다

We spoke on the phone the other day.


34.조금 전에 전화한 사람입니다

I was just on the phone with you.


35. 언제쯤 돌아오시나요? 언제쯤 통화할 수 있나요?

When can I expect to talk to him?


36. 다른 연락방법이 없을까요?

Is there any other to get a hold of him?


37.신호는 가는데 받지 않습니다

There's a signal but no one is answering.


38. 연락이되면 알려주시겠어요?

Please let me know when you get a hold of him.


39. 제가 다시 전화하겠다고 전해주세요

Please tell him that I'll call back


40. 메모를 남기고싶어요

Could I leave a message?



I have the wrong number.


42.전화를 받지 않아요

No one's answering.


43.통화 한 번 하기 어렵네요

It's really hard to get in touch with you on the phone.


44.도대체 누구랑 그렇게 통화를 한건가요?

Who has been tying you up so long?


45.왜 전화를 그렇게 늦게 받나요?

What took you so long to answer the phone?


46.늦은 시간에 전화해서 죄송해요

I'm sorry to call you so late.


47.급한 일이라고 전해주세요

Please tell him it's urgent.


48.자는 것을 깨웠나요?

Did I wake you ? 


49.너무 일찍 전화했나요?

Is this too early?


50.혹시 방해된 건 아닌가요?

Am I disturbing you?


51. 언제 통화하기 좋으신가요?

When is the most covenient time for me to call you?


52.잘 들리지 않아요

I can't hear you well.


53.좀 더 크게 말씀해주세요

Would you speak up a bit?


54.연결 상태가 좋지 않아요

The connection is bad. 


55. 다른 전화기로 걸게요

I'll switch over to another phone.


56.가능한 빠르게 전화할게요

I'll call you as soon as possible.



57. 휴대폰을 진동으로 해주세요

Please put cell phones on vibrate or on silent mode.


58.휴대폰이 진동이라 못들었어요

I didn't hear the phone ring. I had it set to vibrate.


59.배터리가 다 되어가요

My phone's running low on batteries.


60.배터리가 다 되어서 끊어졌어요

The batteries died on my cell phone.


61.전화로 말씀드리기 복잡해요

It's a too complicated of a matter to explain on the phone.


62.이 번호로 하면 연락이 가능한가요?

Can I reach you at this number?


63. 전화번호가 바뀌었어요

My number changed.


64. 바뀐번호를 어떻게 알았어요?

How were you able to find my new number?


65.저녁 8시이후에는 통화가능해요

I'm available any time after 8.


66.이만 끊을게요

I have to hang up.


67.통화 너무 오래한 것 같아요

I've taken up so much of your time.


68.전화주셔서 감사해요

Thank you for calling.


69.자주 연락해요

Let's keep in touch.



70. 전화주셔서 감사합니다. 좋은하루되세요

Thank you for calling. Have a good day


