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[생활영어]오랫동안 주문한 음식이 나오지 않을 때 쓸 수 있는 영어 How much longer will it be?

by nabi2030 2024. 3. 6.



오랫동안 주문한 음식이 나오지 않을 때 쓸 수 있는 영어 How much longer will it be?







 "How much longer will it be?"은 다양한 상황에서 사용될 수 있습니다. 

  1. 상황: 기다리고 있는 친구가 있을 때
    • Friend: "I've been waiting for you for ages. When will you be ready? How much longer will it be?"
    • You: "I just need a few more minutes. 
  2. 상황: 음식 주문 후 기다리는 동안
    • Waiter: "Your food will be out shortly. Thank you for your patience."
    • You: "No problem. Just wondering, how much longer will it be?"
  3. 상황: 중요한 프로젝트나 일을 마무리하고 있는 상황에서
    • Colleague: "Are you almost finished with that report?"
    • You: "I'm wrapping up the final details now. How much longer will it be before the deadline?"
  4. 상황: 대중교통을 이용할 때
    • Passenger: "Excuse me, how much longer until we reach the next stop?"
    • Driver: "Approximately 10 more minutes. How much longer will it be for you?"
  5. 상황: 길을 잃었을 때
    • Lost Traveler: "Excuse me, can you help me find my way to the nearest train station?"
    • Local Resident: "Sure, it's just a few blocks away. How much longer will it be until you need to catch your train?"








그럼 오늘도 유익하셨길 바라며

다음 포스팅에서만나요

씨야씨야 SEE YA SEE YA~~~

