728x90 고장수리교환전화영어1 A/S (Warranty Service) 고장,수리,교환시 전화영어 [ 전화한 이유 / 문제 제기 / 고장 난 이유 ] I don't know what the problem is. My computer won't start. 컴퓨터가 안켜져요 My computer is infected with a virus. 바이러스 감염됐어요 My computer's server has been down all day long 다운됐어요 Internet access has been bad the entire day. The computer keeps getting disconnected from the system. I can't access the internet. 인터넷접속이 안돼요 The printer is out of toner, so we should replace it wi.. 2021. 11. 16. 이전 1 다음 728x90