ㄴ호주 생활 영어

[기초생활영어]식당영어-식당/레스토랑 테이블 영어

nabi2030 2021. 12. 21. 11:12


[예약없이 방문했지만 바로 테이블에 착석할 수 있는 상황]

S: Hi, What can I help you ? Do you have a reservaiton?/ Have you booked a table 혹시 예약하셨어요?
How many people in your party? 몇분이세요
Can I help you ?어떤걸 도와드릴까요?

M:Good afternoon. No we didn't book a table. (We didn't make a reservation) Can we have lunch? 예약은안했는데 점심먹을수있나요?

S: Yes, you can. how many people in your party?몇명인가요?
M: We're 4

S:Is the table by window okay? / Is the window table okay? / Are you okay wirh rhe wondow seat?창가쪽괜찮으세요?
You can sit anywhere. Please take a sit whenever you would like to. 편한 곳에 앉으세요

[예약없이 방문했고 테이블이 다 찬 상황]

S: Hi, What can I help you ? Do you have a reservaiton?/ Have you booked a table 혹시 예약하셨어요?
How many people in your party? 몇분이세요
Can I help you ?어떤걸 도와드릴까요?

M:Good afternoon. No we didn't book a table. (We didn't make a reservation) Can we have lunch? 예약은안했는데 점심먹을수있나요?

S: Yes, you can. how many people in your party?몇명인가요?
M: We're 4

S:Table for 4 people are fully taken. Would you mind waiting until we have a table? 4명 테이블은 모두 찼어요 잠시 기다려주실래요?

M: How long should we wait? How long would it be? 대기시간어떻게되나요?
S:About 20minutes. It would be at least 20 minutes.
M:Okay we can wait

S:How can i put your name on the waiting list? / May I have your name for the waiting list? 성함 알려주시면 대기명단에 적어드릴게요

M:It's Jenn.젠이에요
S:I'll call you when the table is ready. You can take a look at menu first. 메뉴판먼저보세요 차례되면 부를게요
M: Thanks
~~~~~~~~~~시간흐른 후
S:Thank you for your waiting. Please walk with me. 테이블로안내해드릴게요

[ 예약을 이미 전화로 하고 시간맞춰 방문 했을 때 ]

S: Hi How can I help you Do you have a reservation?
M: Yes I do. 7 O'Clock under Jenn.
S: Yes I see. This way please. 자리로 안내해드릴게요

[ 예약을 이미 전화로 했지만 예약시간보다 조금 더 일찍왔을때 ]

We are early. We can wait. Don't worry/

[기타 사항]
Do you mind if we move to that table by window? 저쪽에 비어있는 창가테이블로 옮겨도될까요
Can we move to that window seat?

May I have an extra chair for my stuff? 짐이 많아서그러는데 의자하나더 주시면 안돼요?
Could we use an extra chair for jackets and bags?

We already ordered foods when booking. We already ordered foods earlier. 예약할 때 음식도 주문했어요

We would like to sit out on the terrace. Can we sit out on the terrace? 테라스에 앉고싶어요

Do you have a table for 2please? 2명이 앉을 테이블있나요?



A table for two, please.

Only me.
식당에 혼자 왔어요. 

Get me another table.
다른 자리로 주세요

Get me a table near the window.
창가자리로 주세요

I already ordered.
주문 이미 했어요

I got the wrong menu.
메뉴 잘못나왔어요

I dropped my fork. Can you give me another one?
포크 떨어뜨렸어요. 하나 더 주세요

I'll just have water.
그냥 물 주세요

Put a lot of ice, please
얼음 많이 주세요

Can I have some napkins?
휴지 더 주세요



Can I get some wet tissue?
물티슈 주세요

Check, please

Can I have my check?
계산서 주실래요?

Something Is wrong with my check
계산서가 잘못됐어요

I'll pay in cash
현금으로 할게요

Here is my tip.
팁 여기요.

The tip is not included.
팁은 포함 안되어있습니다

I left your tip on the table
팁은 테이블 위에 두었어요




식당에서 음식 주문 시 영어표현은 아래 포스팅에서 확인가능 💚



[기초생활영어]식당영어- 식당에서 음식 주문 시 영어표현 예시 - https://lifedairy2030.tistory.com/m/252" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-mce-href="http://[기초생활영어]식당영어- 식당에서 음식 주문 시 영어표현 예시 - https://lifedairy2030.tistory.com/m/252">https://lifedairy2030.tistory.com/m/252
